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Welcome to the Maxwell International Client Zone.

Our goal is to transform your business.
We are passionate about helping companies to achieve their vision and goals in order to build cutting edge competence

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This page provides internal tools and support for employees of Maxwell International.

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to access these resources.


The startup world today need specialists and professionals with experience and expertise who can do the job, and provide coaching while producing results, at a predictable cost.

We help entrepreneurs receive the critical support they need to launch new businesses, enter new markets, commercialize breakthrough ideas, or simply to think bigger about future opportunities.


Maxwell International has extensive experience with entrepreneurial and startup ventures, and brings that experience to bear when working with startup companies. We offer a unique bundle of services, tailor-made for the unique requirements of a startup or an entrepreneur.


Our startup consulting services include:


  • Business Plan & Strategy Development
  • Feasibility Analysis
  • Market Research & Intelligence
  • Marketing & Business Development
  • Corporate image
  • Alliances & Channel development
  • Organization Building
  • Corporate Identity and Website
  • Incorporation and Regulatory affairs
  • Opportunity & Operational Analysis
  • Business & Operational Planning
  • Operations and management structure design and implementation
  • Startup Implementation
  • Incubation
  • Mentoring Entrepreneurs
  • Funding Assistance
  • Training and Corporate Development
  • People Management


Have a project? Let’s get connected.

Drop us a line, and tell us about your product and business.


Let’s Stay in Contact

Maxwell International s.r.o.
Jablonského 640/2
170 00 Praha 7 – Holešovice
Česká Republika

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